Available in the following states: FL, GA, SC, NC, VA, AL
-100% LTV to $1,250,000
-95% LTV to $1,500,000
-90% LTV to $2,250,000
-Single family homes, 2 unit, Condo, Townhome, Villa
-30 YR Fixed 15 YR Fixed 10/1 ARM 7/`1 ARM 5/1 ARM
-90% LTV to to $1,250,000 lot acquisition+ construction or complete purchase and renovation construction
-Doctors, Dentist and Veterinarians
All of the loan officers recommended by this site specialize in working with doctors ONLY. They are battle tested, seasoned, and recommended by your peers.
I’ve made it real easy. Drop your name and phone number in the form below and I’ll let him know you’re looking for him.
By contacting you certify that you are a medical professional or the spouse of one.
Note: doctorloanprograms.com has no affiliation with any bank listed on our blog.
Disclaimer: The postings on this site do not represent this banks positions, strategies or opinions. For specific program details please contact authorized representative from that bank.