“I built this site, because I too became frustrated

with the lack of information regarding these types of loans”

Doctorloanprograms.com was started in response to a growing need in the mortgage industry. Most M.D.s I spoke with, had little or no idea that a specialty mortgage product designed for them even existed. I had several colleagues that specialized in this product, but no source to compare these similar programs.
The banks listed here do benefit from the exposure but the site was not built for them. It was built for YOU.
This site works to detail the physician loan products available to you. Doctorloanprograms.com is not endorsed by any lending institution. The information listed here has been gathered by folks like you. They have been kind enough to share their experiences. Please pay it FORWARD by going to LOAN TALK and sending some information. Also, please be sure to update if you find a discrepancy. I’d like the information here to be as accurate as possible. Enjoy the site and let me know how I can make it better.
If you are lender and would like to be added to this site please click the “New Bank” option at the top. If your program is of value, and you have the appropriate recommendations from past Physician clients, I will add you to the list.
The Doctor Loan Programs Team
For inquiries please contact us at: [email protected]